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Some stories are worth telling. Teddy’s is one of them. Mathare, Kenya’s second largest slum, is a tin shack, 96,000 people crammed into 1.5 km².
La Historia de Teddy
LA HISTORIA DE TEDDY Lascia un commento / Senza categoria / Di slumsdunk Hay algunas historias que merecen ser contadas. El de Teddy es uno de ellos. Mathare,
La storia di Teddy
Ci sono storie che vale la pena raccontare. Quella di Teddy è una di queste. Mathare, seconda baraccopoli del Kenya, baracche di lamiera, 96.000 persone
The name Mathare is derived from the word ‘mathari’, which means ‘branch’ in the Kikuyu language. During colonial times Mathare was a quarry, where stones
¿Qué es Mathare?
¿Qué es Mathare? Lascia un commento / Senza categoria / Di slumsdunk El nombre de Mathare procede de la palabra “mathari”, que significa “rama” en lengua kikuyu. Durante
Cos’e’ Mathare?
Il nome Mathare deriva dalla parola ‘mathari’ che in lingua kikuyu significa ‘diramazione’. Durante l’epoca coloniale Mathare era una cava, qui si ricavavan pietre utilizzate
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Your help is important. By supporting Slums Dunk ODV you can help many children from underprivileged areas to get closer to the world of basketball.
Donate using the convenient form on this page or by bank transfer to the bank account in the name of:
SLUMS DUNK ODV Association
Bank code IBAN: IT69Y0623001616000015050986
Donate your 5×1000 to Slums Dunk ODV association, identified with tax code: 97707040156
– promoting the project among your friends and acquaintances
– collecting basketball uniforms and equipment
– organising events
– raising funds
Donate using the convenient form on this page or by bank transfer to the bank account in the name of:
Association SLUMS DUNK Onlus, IBAN: IT55B0521601616000000001025
Donate your 5×1000 to Associazione Slums Dunk Onlus, tax code:97707040156
– promoting the project among your friends and acquaintances
– collecting basketball uniforms and equipment
– organising events
– raising funds
Donate using the convenient form on this page or by bank transfer to the bank account in the name of:
Association SLUMS DUNK Onlus, IBAN: IT55B0521601616000000001025
Donate your 5×1000 to Associazione Slums Dunk Onlus, tax code: 97707040156
– promoting the project among your friends and acquaintances
– collecting basketball uniforms and equipment
– organising events
– raising funds